What is Love?

Have we reduced Love from its true essence and grandness to the status of an emotion, an appetite, a marketable commodity, now to be rendered as something weak, blurry, transient, elusive? Is it a neediness, an entitlement, a possession, an unattainable ideal that can have a dark, dangerous, obsessive and even a perverse side? It seems so much is possible in the name of what we imprecisely and variously call love and think it to be.

The What is Love articles speak from the heart of our authors as we relate our own experiences, perspectives and understanding of Love and how these have changed throughout our lives. Here is our ‘before and after of Love’, as we have encountered The Way of The Livingness, to realise there is nothing at all vague, blurry or imprecise about Love itself, as we each, transforming in our own way, return to the truth of Love as our lived way.

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What is love

We all want what we already are… LOVE – isn’t that absurd!

True Love ~ if you know what it is not, then you know what it is. A real life sharing on the lies and truth of love.

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Love can’t be hurt

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Love is the most wanted commodity in everyone's life, may we be aware of it or not. It makes us go round and round again until eventually we find it – within.
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Returning to the simplicity and power of Love

Why is it that any encounter with a true expression of love stands out a mile? One man’s journey from a modern complicated love back to the true simplicity and power of love.

Love is my foundation

This article offers a peek into how it is we deepen in love – and what it means to undertake a never-ending exploration of one’s innermost, starting with a connection to the Soul.