What is Intelligence?
There is much that we, as human beings, take for granted and never question about our intelligence. In a world where so much of human behaviour is problematic and observably harmful, both for ourselves and evermore imminently for all life on Earth, do we ever stop to question our way of life, the quality and source of our intelligence, our science, our understanding of health and religion or, indeed, simply where our thoughts come from?
The What is Intelligence articles provide some provoking reading from our authors, relating our own experiences and insights into this topic, at once so foundational to everything about human life and yet something of a ‘sacred cow’ or perhaps relegated to the ‘too hard basket’. These articles literally bring to modern life the hitherto lost Ageless Wisdom, an unchanging source of Universal intelligence accessible to every human being, and yet the greatest secret we studiously keep from ourselves.
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My head is not it…
Intelligence is supposed to reside within our head, but what if this is not the truth of where intelligence originates, offering us the capacity for something far greater when it comes to the wisdom we can access in our day to day.
Mirror, mirror… who’s the most intelligent of them all?
Intelligence in a world that doesn’t make sense
Intelligence – source or product?
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