Religion as a lived way
You may find this a challenging question, but what if the greatest expression of religion possible for a human being has more to do with how we live than it is about doctrines and beliefs?
You may find this a challenging question, but what if the greatest expression of religion possible for a human being has more to do with how we live than it is about doctrines and beliefs?
The outer religion, the inner religion and what it is to be religious; living a religion that is founded on a connection from one’s innermost.
Living Religion – a correspondence between the inner and outer being Read More
Is intelligence failing us? The measuring of intelligence, drawing into question what is being measured and the very act and purpose of measuring it. The possibility of ever greater intelligence and how we might access it.
A perspective on the advances of modern science, dark energy, evidence of extraordinary ancient science, the Great Pyramid, Göbekli Tepe, beyond-human intelligence, and the all-important questions.
Science and the questions we dare and dare not ask Read More
There is Integrity as the word we often use in everyday life, but how does it translate when we go to the greatest depths of what this word offers us?
In a world where relationship counselling is a thriving industry, what is the essential component we’ve lost touch with that make all relationships work?
Relationships and the lost factor that makes them work Read More
Why is it that any encounter with a true expression of love stands out a mile? One man’s journey from a modern complicated love back to the true simplicity and power of love.